Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A warm Hi!!

Hello World!!
Well all those who know me also know that blogging is NOT something that comes naturally to me. But life takes different turns and here I am starting my blog. For me, it is just a place to dump my ideas and opinions and take your advice on them too.
Let me just start by introducing myself for all those who dont know me.
I am just a regular indian/male/youth trying to chase my dreams, trying to control my life and looking for something or someone I have no idea about. But I am looking alrite and one day I am sure I will get what I want. Till that day my life will be a search- a search which will lead me to that unkown destination I have always dreamt of, the destination which will make my life complete. It is neither material nor spiritual, it is just a moment in my life which I will cherish forever.
At the same time, I am a guy who enjoys each day as it comes and believes that life is generally beautiful. By using the word generally I mean that it is not that the world is perfect and people are always good to you, it is just how you want to see the world with your own two god-gifted eyes. There is no great a gift than being born as humans and as humans it is our duty to make a change and where does the change start? Yes, with the Man in the Mirror. So this is the rather simple but effective philosophy that drives me to do what I have done and I will do in the future.
Continuing on the introduction, I am an engineer by profession and education, working in an IT MNC out here in this beautiful city of Hyderabad, India. I stay all by myself, not because I enjoy it, but because I have no option at all. My job decided to carry me to Hyderabad from Bengaluru, a place where all my pals are. So here I am at Hyderabad, trying to enjoy my own company and having all the time in the world for me, a phenomenon which has never occured to me before.
I love relationships- friendship according to me is the most beautiful relationship in the world which explains the amount of friends around me. But at the same time, I am aware that there will be best friends, good friends and not-so-good friends but at the end of the day arent they all friends? I know even I am not perfect for some people too but I guess this variety between relationships is what adds spice to life. I love my close-knit family and all the people around me who care for me and who I care for. I love my life and continously strive to make each day better. So I guess that's just all of me. I will keep blogging about just anything and everything under the sun so just bear with me and do leave a comment on what u feel (only if da comment are good!!).
A beautiful thought just to end taken from a Bon Jovi song.....
"Remember that you are perfect, god makes no mistakes"
Take care!!